安賽 泰史
( Publisher : Gentosha Inc )
Published in book form in 2016
Published in paperback in 2019
*English Follows
1981 年東京都生まれ。マサチューセッツ大学経営学修士課程修了。
アンドロギュノス (幻冬舎刊)

閉ざされた孤島に立つ全寮制のミッションスクール。 そこで交差する、秘密を抱えた少年たちの孤独と罪。 性とは? 死とは? 生命とは?
俗世から隔絶された孤島にそびえ立つ、全寮制の聖東学院。 そこに通う少年レイは、日々同級生との間にある「ズレ」を感じて過ごしていた。 そんなある日、校医の亜佐美から自分の身体の秘密を知らされ彼の日常は一変する。 その頃、レイの同級生水野もまた誰にも言えない秘密を抱えたまま一人で生きていた… どこにも行けない彼らが出会ったのは運命か、それとも悲劇か―現代のタブーに問いかける異形の青春群像劇。
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Ray is a student at a boarding school. At first glance, he appears to be an ordinary male student, but since junior high school, he has suffered from occasional stomachaches.
He has been suffering from occasional abdominal pains since junior high school, and his monthly visits to the infirmary have become a part of his daily life. One day, Asami, a high school nurse, notices an anomaly hidden in Ray’s body. It’s called “hermaphrodite”. He is a mutant with a uterus in addition to his male organ. In the sporting world, there is a growing concern about hermaphrodite who have female genitalia but male flesh, and although the number of such cases is small, their existence is recognized. The problem is that the student in front of her is a hermaphrodite.
Asami is worried about telling the truth and consults her former teacher from college, Professor Funaki, about how to deal with it.
Unaware of what is going on, Ray is enjoying an ordinary but enjoyable youth with his classmates, Masashi, Sayaka and Mizuno. Then, Mizuno reveals a big secret to Ray. Ray is told that Mizuno likes Masashi.
“Man to man? That means…”
Yes, Mizuno was gay…. Mizuno seemed to be serious. Masashi and Sayaka were one of the most famous and beautiful couples at school, and Mizuno, Masashi’s best friend, was hanging out with them. Although Mizuno was not as beautiful as Masashi, he was quite a handsome boy. There were rumors around him about why he didn’t have a girlfriend, but nobody expected that to be the case… There’s no way they can answer that question…. After returning home, Ray talked to his e-mail friend, Kako. She’s a girl he’s never met before. Ray doesn’t know if she’s really a girl or not, but since they don’t know each other’s situation, they can talk about thier true feelings. The answer on the LCD of his cell phone said, “If it happened naturally, why don’t you just accept it? That was the answer. Her words are always calm and objective. “You’re right… I’m sure you’re right, but I’m not comfortable with the thought of having a gay man next to me”.
One day. Ray had the usual… No, he was surprised when he felt a stomachache, more severe than usual, and ran to the bathroom. … There was a lot of blood in his bowel movements. There was no sign of hemorrhoids, so Ray thought it was a worsening of his usual abdominal pain and consulted Asami. Asami’s expression changes when she hears this. “I’m not sure. Is it still coming out?” Asami pushes the reluctant Ray into the bathroom and makes his wipe off the blood with gauze. Asami heads to her alma mater, the university, for analysis. Asami goes to her alma mater for analysis and gets the answer she feared from Professor Funaki. He has both a functioning testis and uterus in one body, which is called a ‘intrinsic hermaphrodite’ and is so valuable that it has never been recorded in history. As a researcher, Professor Funaki is very interested in this topic. On the other hand, Asami is not sure if she should tell the truth. However, telling a high school boy the truth could lead to suicide, so she had to refrain from saying or doing anything rash.
Meanwhile, Mizuno’s feelings for Masashi grow stronger day by day. Finally, Masashi noticed Mizuno’s feelings. Masashi calls Mizuno and tells him that they will remain friends. All Mizuno could do was nod his head. Mizuno was troubled by the feelings he could not fully digest. Then, he finds out that Masashi’s girlfriend, Sayaka, was raped in junior high school. Asami was troubled. A project team is being formed to investigate Ray in secret, led by Professor Funaki. Funaki’s goal is to academically investigate Ray who is a “intrinsic hermaphrodite”.
Funaki’s objective was focused on the academic investigation of Ray, a “intrinsic hermaphrodite”. Asami is troubled by the fact that Ray is being treated like a laboratory mouse, but there is a great deal of research that only Professor Funaki can do, and the treatment of Ray is starting to go in a direction that Asami cannot handle alone. Asami deceives Ray and lures her into a CT scan and other analytical research.
Something strange is happening to her… Ray is beginning to realize that something is wrong with him, but of course he can’t imagine that he is hermaphrodite. Then, Sayaka asks Ray about the fact that she had an abominable rape in the past. “Why are you talking to me about this?” Ray listens to Sayaka’s confession with this in mind. It was the first time Sayaka had ever told anyone about her rape. She couldn’t tell her parents, she couldn’t tell her classmates, and she couldn’t tell her boyfriend, Masashi. Sayaka cried and told Ray about the two years of agony she had kept hidden from her. Ray gave her his own answer as best he could. “That’s all I can do”. Ray’s sincere attitude made Sayaka’s feelings melt away. “I’m glad I could talk to Ray. I’m glad I was able to talk to you about it. When I talk to you, I forget that I’m talking to a boy”.
As Sayaka walks away with a smile on her face, Ray is stunned. Mizuno’s gay advice, Sayaka’s rape confession, Asami’s attitude in the infirmary… There are moments when he doesn’t see him as a boy…? Ray realizes that there is something other than a man inside him.
Ray questions Asami. Asami confesses the truth. She is currently working with Professor Funaki’s project team to find a way to maintain male sexual dominance through hormone injections. Professor Funaki treats Ray’s androgynous state as a special exception, and is eager to continue his research in this state. However, Asami could not tell Ray about this fact. There was also another important secret: if he continued, there was a possibility that he would become pregnant through self-reproduction. On the way home, Ray walks in the rain, soaking wet, and sees a snail crawling under his feet. “It’s just like you…”
That night, Mizuno comes to Ray’s room. Mizuno is troubled by his gay identity, but Ray is not the same person he always knew he could talk to. He is not gay, but more complicated. Ray has harsh words for Mizuno. The words were so harsh that Mizuno felt abandoned. Cornered, Mizuno goes on a rampage. He tries to rape Sayaka using the delinquents from the club he frequents. The plan is unsuccessful, but Masashi finds out about it, and Mizuno is severely reprimanded by Masashi.
That night, Mizuno disappears from the dormitory.
While Mizuno’s disappearance is on her mind, Ray is busy trying to understand the reality that has confronted her. He spends his days being investigated at the university’s medical facility as a research subject. Professor Funaki is faking hormone therapy to keep Ray in an androgynous state while continuing his research. Ray thought he was being treated and played the role of a docile guinea pig. Seeing Ray’s submissive attitude, Asami is relieved to see that he is accepting the fact that he is an androgynous being. But then, a sudden comment from Ray sends Asami to the bottom of the pyramid. “The hormone therapy seems to be working, and he has been feeling better lately. The abdominal pains have also subsided in the past few months. Is it the result of the treatment?”
Asami was shocked when she went to Professor Funaki’s office. Funaki was also puzzled by the unexpected situation… Ray was pregnant. Without his knowledge, he had reproduced himself. Ray’s abnormal pain and bleeding that day was a sign that his uterus was beginning to function like an adult woman’s. Asami regretted her carelessness and her complicity in Professor Funaki’s scheme.
Mizuno was still missing, and a missing person report was filed with the police. At the same time, the abdominal pains subsided, but now the daily nausea… Ray realizes that he is pregnant. The problem of his own pregnancy that had befallen a sophomore boy in high school… Ray is confused and distrustful of Asami as well as Professor Funaki.
Ray is confused and distrusts not only Professor Funaki but also Asami. Hashima, who had been removed from the career track for heresy, was an oddball in appearance and behavior, but he had a wealth of knowledge. Hashima uses actual cases to show that there are many possibilities. In many cases, people are born with physical defects or mental disorders. On the other hand, there have been cases where children with genius qualities have been born. However, even Hashima had no idea what to expect from Ray’s case. One plus one equals one, the ultimate in incest. Hashima shows an unusual interest in the possibility of a genius being born with less than 1% of the population, and has no problem with the birth of a child with more than 99% of defects. Asami is angered by Hashima’s attitude.
Ray was alone in his worries. His e-mail friend, Kako, somehow knew about the pregnancy and desperately insisted that he should have the baby.
“Kako. You’re Asami, right? Don’t be silly!” The feeling of being betrayed by Asami, whom he trusted, was turning into a great anger in Ray. Then the phone rang.
The caller was Kako. “I’m not Asami! I am someone else who knows you. I know how you feel and I want to help you”, Ray was not convinced. “I don’t care who you are anymore! I don’t care who you are! No one will ever know! I don’t know what to do…” Ray came to a conclusion. He loitered in front of the obstetrician’s office, but there was no way they could perform an abortion here. She thought about killing himself. Thinking he was done with this world, he went to the school where he had a few good memories. Then, he receives a news that Mizuno has been found dead.
Mizuno had been repeatedly prostituting himself in a gay neighborhood, dating a man rumored to be dangerous… He had been murdered. Mizuno’s body was found dismembered and covered with the killer’s semen. The school kept Mizuno’s death a secret. Only Ray, Masashi, and Sayaka, who were especially close to him, attended the funeral. The three of them sobbed at the funeral. Masashi hugged Mizuno’s body as he placed flowers on the body before the coffin. To the surprise of everyone, Masashi kisses Mizuno…. Masashi was in love with Mizuno.
Ray couldn’t answer Mizuno’s SOS, and Masashi couldn’t admit that he was gay even though he loved Mizuno. Sayaka, who cursed Mizuno in the end even though they were friends… Then, he gets a call from Kako again. She desperately tried to persuade Ray. Ray just said he would think about it and hung up. On the way home, the three of them are on the train in an awkward atmosphere. Ray made a serious confession.
“I’m not a man, or maybe I’m not even human,” Ray decides, and tells the others that he is androgynous and pregnant. He told them that he was androgynous and that he was pregnant, and that he would live for Mizuno and not die. And that he would bring the new life inside of his into the world.
Asami deeply regrets that she could not protect Ray. And her feelings were not those of a teacher and a student, but more like romantic feelings. Sensing this, Ray tells Asami that he is going to have a baby, and at the same time confesses his love for Asami. The birth of the baby was very risky. There was no guarantee of life for him or the child.
Ray and Asami went to a church for their private wedding ceremony.
With the full cooperation of Professor Funaki’s project team, Ray heads for the birth. Before the birth, he receives a phone call from Kako. She said, “Be brave and give birth to a strong child”. Ray gave birth despite suffering from intense pain that is said to be unbearable for boys. However, the damage from the birth was severe. He was bleeding profusely and the medical staff was shouting in panic. In his fading consciousness, Ray had a premonition of death. At that time, he received a phone call from Kako.
“Dad. Thank you for giving birth to me.” Kako was the child Ray had given birth to 17 years later. The time slip is physically impossible, but in the near future, technology has been established to send communication waves back in time. Kako is legally allowed to lead her to her own birth under the supervision of the government. In the near future, she seemed to be a valuable asset. Asami removes the other staff from the delivery room. Ray and Kako have a conversation under Asami’s watchful eye.
“So, am I going to die?” Kako admits it. Ray tells her his last wish. “Kako… I want to see your grow up.” Even in her world, sending images to the past was strictly forbidden. However, as per Ray’s wish, Kako sends a video of herself on her cell phone. Ray fell into a deep sleep as he watched his child grow up across time and space.
“This is the next news. Today, Miss.Kayoko celebrated her third birthday by taking a walk in Central Park with Mrs.Asami.”
The anchor was reading from a script. Kayoko had grown up as Asami’s bastard child. Asami takes her to the church, where she still doesn’t know anything. She is protected by a government agency and will be introduced to the world as the Son of God in a decade or so. She will be introduced to the world as a child of God, just like Christ, the son of Mary, who gave birth as a virgin.
-The End
瑞在一所寄宿制高中上学,外表看来跟普通的高中男生没有什么两样。从初中开始瑞就时常被不明原因的腹痛所困扰,每个月去一趟保健室对于他来说也渐渐变成了习惯。某日, 高中的保健室老师麻美发现了瑞身体中的异常。“雌雄同体”—瑞的体内除了有男性器官,同时还有子宫存在。在竞技体育等领域出现过生有女性器官的选手身体特征却是男性的事例,并且得到了科学界的承认。可是事情发生在就在眼前的学生身上,意义就不一样了。 麻美不知道是否应该对瑞告知真相,几番烦恼后,只好去找大学时的老师舟木教授商量对策。
对事情一无所知的瑞和同班同学雅史,早香,水野一起每天度过着平凡而快乐的青春时 光。某天,水野告诉了瑞一个重大的秘密:水野喜欢雅史。 “男生和男生?!……就是说……”
没错,水野是同性恋。 水野的表情很严肃。雅史和早香是学校有名的帅哥美女情侣,而水野是雅史的好朋友,三个人常常在一起行动。水野虽然外表不如雅史出众,可也是远近闻名的美少年。私下里时 常有人议论为什么水野没有女朋友,可是谁也没往这方面想……。
瑞不知应该如何回应。回家后,瑞跟网友佳歌说起了这件事情。佳歌是瑞没有见过面的女 网友—是不是女生,瑞自己也不知道,只不过也正因为彼此都不认识对方,才可以放心地 把心里话说出来。手机的屏幕上很快出现了佳歌的回复:“如果是自然而然变成这样的 话,不如就接受吧?”佳歌的回答总是冷静,客观。是这样没错……瑞也这么想,可是只 要想到自己的身边就有同性恋存在,却总是感觉有点奇怪。
麻美不顾瑞的反对,把瑞推进了厕所,然后用棉纱擦取了血的样本。麻美将样本送到母校进行分析,从舟木教授那里得到了一直担心的答复。是经血。 舟木教授对这一发现非常感兴趣。“他的身体里面同时具备正常运作的精巢和子宫,是几乎前所未有的“真性雌雄同体”,具有非常高的研究价值。“麻美却苦恼于是否应该将这一 真相告诉瑞,考虑到将这样的事实告诉一个高中男生,严重的情况甚至可能引起自杀,不得已麻美只好先见机行事。
水野对雅史的感情一天比一天强烈,终于雅史本人也察觉到了。雅史把水野叫出来,对水野说希望一直保持朋友关系,水野只能表示同意。水野心中郁结,难以排解。就在这个时 候,水野得知雅史的女朋友早香在中学的时候被强奸的事情。 麻美依然烦恼不已。以舟木教授为领头人正在成立研究瑞现象的秘密项目组,舟木教授的
目的是对瑞的“真性雌雄同体”现象进行学术上的调查,而麻美无法接受将瑞当做和小白鼠一样的研究对象。但是如果没有舟木教授,仅凭麻美一个人也不可能对瑞的问题做出任何 的对策,事态在麻美无法控制的情况下向前发展。麻美渐渐地开始瞒着瑞,让瑞接受CT扫描。
自己身上一定有什么状况……。瑞也逐渐觉得不对劲,可是无论如何也想不到自己是双性 人。就在这个时候,早香告诉了瑞发生在自己身上的不可告人的秘密—强奸。为什么要跟 我说这个……瑞一边想着,一边听早香诉说着一切。早香是第一次把这件事情说给别人听。不能告诉父母,也不能告诉同学,更不用说告诉雅史了。早香把压抑了两年的苦痛伴 随着泪水一起告诉了瑞,瑞能做的,也只不过是用尽全力回应早香。瑞的真诚打动了早香。
水野的话,早香的话,麻美在保健室的态度……。自己还有不像男生的一面……?!瑞逐 渐察觉到了自己体内的另一个存在。
瑞去逼问麻美,无奈之下麻美只好说出了真相–瑞的身体是双性人的身体,现在舟木教授 的项目组正在研究通过注射激素使男性性征保持优势的方法–事实上,完全相反,舟木教授为了这千载难逢的特例,一心希望能研究出将瑞保持在现在状态的方法。但是麻美无法 将这样的事实告诉给瑞。另外一个无法启齿的秘密是,如果这样发展下去,瑞有可能自体 妊娠……。
回家的路上,在雨中浑身湿透的瑞的脚边爬过一只蜗牛。 “我也和你一样啊……”
当天晚上,水野来到了瑞的房间。水野一直都在为自己同性恋的身份而苦恼,可是这一次瑞在自己问题的重压下,却没有办法像往常一样好好地听水野说话。终于瑞对水野说出了 非常严厉的话,水野感觉自己被背叛了。重重压力之下水野选择了通过暴力来发泄,他纠集常去的夜店的混混们想要强奸早香。最后虽然没有成功,可是事后被雅史知道,雅史重 重地斥责了水野。那天晚上,水野从宿舍消失了。
查,舟木教授表面上装出用激素疗法为瑞治疗的样子,实际上却将瑞保持在两性状态以便 进行研究。瑞天真地认为自己在接受治疗,老老实实地扮演着小白鼠角色。 麻美看着瑞顺从的姿态,为瑞一点点地接受自己双性人的身份而觉得安心。可是瑞无意之
间的一句话却将麻美推进了自责的深谷。 “不知道是不是激素疗法生效了,最近身体状态好像不错。这几个月也没有肚子疼。会不会是治疗的效果呢?” 麻美去找舟木教授,却在得到答案后说不出一句话来。舟木教授也对这从未意料到的状况感到困惑不已。……瑞怀孕了。在本人尚未发觉之间,瑞已经进行了自我妊娠。 那天瑞感觉到异常的疼痛并且流血,那是子宫的功能成熟的征兆—麻美对自己的疏忽,以 及自己对舟木教授的行为的放任感到万分后悔。
水野失踪的事情已经在警方立了案。瑞的腹痛停止了,取而代之的是连日的呕吐……瑞终 于察觉到自己怀孕了。高中二年级的男生的自我妊娠问题……瑞不知所措,对舟木教授, 尤其对麻美开始强烈地怀疑。
麻美在舟木教授的介绍下拜访了对近亲性交颇有研究的羽岛。羽岛已经被作为异端而被主流学界所排斥,不管从外表还是言行来看都是一个怪人,可是学术上造诣相当深厚。羽岛 以实际的例子为基础,提出了各种各样的可能,大部分的情况下近亲性交出生的小孩都会 有身体上的缺陷或者精神障碍,但是也存在生出天才的事例。可是就算是羽岛,也完全无 法预料到底瑞身上会发生怎样的事情。 1+1=1。完美的近亲性交。羽岛对可能生出天才的1%的概率表现出强烈的兴趣,对剩下的99%–生出缺陷儿的可能完全没有意识到。 羽岛的态度激怒了麻美。
瑞独自一人烦恼着。佳歌不知从何知道了瑞怀孕的事情,竭尽全力主张应该将小孩生下 来。
“佳歌,你是麻美老师吧?!别开玩笑了!” 麻美的背叛在瑞的心中变成了熊熊燃烧的愤怒。这时,手机响了起来。
是佳歌打过来的。 “我不是麻美!而是知道你的另外一个人。我明白你的心情,我想帮助你” 瑞无法接受。无所谓了,你是谁都无所谓了!明白我的心情?!谁能明白我的心情!必须
打掉!瑞得出了结论。瑞在妇产科门口徘徊,突然察觉到这种地方怎么可能给自己做堕胎 手术。瑞想到了自杀。想着再看这个世界最后一眼,瑞来到了给自己留下过些微美好回忆的学校。然后被告知水野的遗体被发现了。
水野在同性恋聚集的地方卖淫,跟传说中的危险人物来往……被杀害了。水野的遗体被切割成了一块一块,身上还有犯人的精液。学校方面封锁了水野死亡的消息,在葬礼上只有 与水野特别亲近的瑞、雅史和早香出席。三个人在葬礼上哭成了一团。下葬前在向遗体鲜 花的时候,雅史抱住了水野的遗体,不顾周围的一片愕然深深地吻了下去。原来雅史也是 喜欢水野的。
没有回应水野求救的瑞、爱着水野却没能承认自己同性恋身份的雅史。身为朋友最后却恶毒地咒骂水野的早香。这时佳歌再一次打了电话过来。佳歌用尽全力说服瑞,而瑞只是说 再考虑一下然后挂掉了电话。回家的路上,在摇晃的电车里笼罩着三个人的是一片尴尬的 气氛。瑞终于开口说话了。
因为没能保护到瑞而深深后悔的麻美。这种感情已经不再是师生之情,而是变成跟恋爱非常相近的感情。瑞也感觉到了,于是在告诉麻美要生下孩子的同时向麻美进行了表白。分 娩非常危险,不管是瑞还是即将诞生的孩子,都无法保证生命安全。 “如果万一我不行了,请保护好孩子”瑞和麻美去教堂,举行了只有两个人的婚礼。
在舟木教授的全面合作下,瑞的产期一天天临近。分娩前,佳歌打来了电话,佳歌在电话里对瑞说:请勇敢一点,生一个强壮的宝宝……。瑞忍受着男子无法忍受的剧痛完成了分娩,但是分娩带来的伤害太大了。大量的出血。医护人员慌张的高喊。瑞在逐渐稀薄的意 识中感觉到了死亡。这时,佳歌的电话再次响起了。
佳歌是17年后已经长大的瑞的孩子。物理上本来不可能发生的时空跳跃,到了近未来由于科学的发展已经可以向以前的时空发送通信电波了。佳歌获得了许可在政府的监视下引导 自己的诞生。在近未来,佳歌被当成是人类的宝物。麻美将其他的工作人员请出了分娩 室,在麻美的守护下,瑞和佳歌展开了最后的对话。
“佳歌……我想看佳歌长大后的样子” 在佳歌的世界向过去发送影像是被严格禁止的。但是佳歌还是通过手机将自己的样子发送 到了瑞的手上。瑞跨越时空看着自己孩子长大的样子,进入了永远的安息。
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